Our Lady of Mount Carmel
This is the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel adorning St. Patrick Church. It was purchased in Spain and donated anonymously in thanksgiving to Mary. It was blessed on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on July 16, 2006 by Father Bruce Taggart, O.Carm.
The Carmelites have been serving at St. Patrick Parish since 1875. Mary is the Patroness of their Order.
The history of the Carmelites tells us that the first hermits on Mount Carmel built a chapel in the middle of their cells. This was the center of their lives where they converged each day to celebrate Mass together. This little chapel they named in honour of Our Lady. By this fact took her as their patroness, promising their faithful service and expecting her protection and favour. They were proud to bear the title of "Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel." For the Carmelites, Mary is a constant presence in their lives, guiding and protecting them as they seek to follow Christ.
The brown scapular has for many centuries summed up the Carmelite's relationship with Our Lady. The scapular is a piece of cloth based on the traditional Carmelite friar's garb. Wearing the scapular is a sign of consecration to Mary, the Mother of God and is a symbol showing that the person is putting on the virtues of Mary and is being protected by her. Mary symbolizes for the Carmelite everything that we hope for - to enter into a relationship with Christ, being totally open to God's will and having our live transformed by the Word of God. Carmelites have always thought of Mary as the Patroness of the Order, its Mother and Splendour. They seek to live spiritual intimacy with Mary so that they can learn from her how to live as God's children.
The Carmelites have been serving at St. Patrick Parish since 1875. Mary is the Patroness of their Order.
The history of the Carmelites tells us that the first hermits on Mount Carmel built a chapel in the middle of their cells. This was the center of their lives where they converged each day to celebrate Mass together. This little chapel they named in honour of Our Lady. By this fact took her as their patroness, promising their faithful service and expecting her protection and favour. They were proud to bear the title of "Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel." For the Carmelites, Mary is a constant presence in their lives, guiding and protecting them as they seek to follow Christ.
The brown scapular has for many centuries summed up the Carmelite's relationship with Our Lady. The scapular is a piece of cloth based on the traditional Carmelite friar's garb. Wearing the scapular is a sign of consecration to Mary, the Mother of God and is a symbol showing that the person is putting on the virtues of Mary and is being protected by her. Mary symbolizes for the Carmelite everything that we hope for - to enter into a relationship with Christ, being totally open to God's will and having our live transformed by the Word of God. Carmelites have always thought of Mary as the Patroness of the Order, its Mother and Splendour. They seek to live spiritual intimacy with Mary so that they can learn from her how to live as God's children.