Bring your pets, all creatures great and small: four- legged, two- legged, scaled, winged, finned, furred or feathered - Our Lord God made them all!
A Blessing of Animals in honour of St. Francis of Assisi will be celebrated on Sunday, October 4th at 1:00 p.m. on the school playground.
Bring your pets, all creatures great and small: four- legged, two- legged, scaled, winged, finned, furred or feathered - Our Lord God made them all! In response to the recent break-in and theft of the tabernacle in the Cathedral in St. Catharines, the Most Rev. Gerard Bergie, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Saint Catharines, has asked the people of the diocese to offer a prayer of reparation on a daily basis for a period of one month, from Monday, September 14, the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross, to Monday, October 12, Thanksgiving Day. See prayer and letter below: O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary I beg the conversion of poor sinners. Amen. Très Sainte Trinité, Père, Fils et Saint-Esprit, je Vous adore profondément, et je Vous offre le très précieux Corps, Sang, Âme et Divinité de Jésus-Christ, présent dans tous les Tabernacles de la terre, en réparation des outrages, sacrilèges et indifférences par lesquels Il est Lui-même offensé. Par les mérites infinis de Son très Saint Cœur et du Cœur Immaculé de Marie, je Vous demande la conversion des pauvres pécheurs . Amen.
March 2024