We launched our Cathedral Appeal in May of 2019, and as of October 30, 2020, our appeal has raised $1,217.018.88 in cash donations and $21,690.00 in pledges. This brings our total raised to $1,238,708.88 or 103% of our $1,200,000 goal. We continue to thank God for the generosity of so many and for this wonderful achievement.
As with every project, unexpected expenses did arise along the way as necessary repairs were only discovered once the work began. Early on it was discovered that the exterior stonework required repair as there was water leaking into the Cathedral, preventing restoration work from moving forward. This expense was approximately $200,000. There was also the break-in at the Cathedral and the removal of the tabernacle, requiring the installation of video cameras. These are just a couple of examples.
So, we appeal to you again, in these challenging times. Could this be the time that you too play a part in this historic event and undertaking in our diocese? Visit us at www.saintcd.com/appeal or make a donation at your church marked “Cathedral Appeal.” Once again, thank you to all and may God bless you.